Detroit Field Office, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
11411 East Jefferson Avenue
Event Description
Join law enforcement and consumer advocates for this free event to discuss issues affecting Michigan鈥檚 consumers. Learn about emerging trends and new and existing challenges. Explore ways to collaborate and share information and resources. Discussions will include recent consumer fraud trends, debt collection, mortgage fraud, identity theft, and scams affecting seniors and recent immigrants.
8:30 am
Registration & Check-in
9:00 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Mike Klinger
USCIS Field Office Director
- Lorray S.C. Brown, Co-Director
Michigan Poverty Law Program
- Katharyn Barron, Consumer Protection Division Chief
MI Atty General
- Daniel L. Lemisch, First Assistant US Attorney
E.D. Michigan
- Daniel Kaufman, Deputy Director
Bureau of Consumer Protection
9:30 am Fraud Targeting Particular Communities
Discussion of consumer fraud, including emerging trends in debt collection, payday lending, sale of property, unauthorized practice of immigration law, identity theft, and fraud affecting vulnerable populations
- Larissa Bungo, Assistant Regional Director
- Lorray Brown, Co-Director & Consumer Law Attorney
Michigan Poverty Law Program
- Ruby Robinson, Supervising Attorney
Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
- Alvaro Puig, Consumer Education Specialist,
Division of Consumer and Business Education
- Erma Thomas, Supervising Attorney
Neighborhood Legal Services
10:45 am
Break 11:00 am Case Studies in Mass Fraud / Recent Consumer Fraud Trends
Moderator:- Christopher Panek, Attorney,
- Joon Sung, Director of Litigation,
Lakeshore Legal Aid
- Scott Teter, Criminal Section Head
Corporate Oversight Division
- Karl Hansen, Fraud Team Leader,
U.S. Postal Inspection Service
- Karen Reynolds, Asst. U.S. Attorney,
E.D. Mich.
- Lee Janice, Asst. U.S. Attorney
E.D. Mich.
12:15 pm
Lunch Provided by Michigan Poverty Law Program 1:00 pm
Breakout Sessions
Introduction by Larissa Bungo, 51本色Attendees will break out into small groups to discuss the challenges, opportunities and ways we can better collaborate on these issues:
- debt collection and payday lending (Lorray Brown)
- mortgage fraud/sale of property on land contract (Joon Sung)
- identity theft & online safety (Katharyn Barron)
- outreach to hard to reach populations (Alvaro Puig)
- scams affecting immigrants (Ruby Robinson)
- scams affecting seniors (Erma Thomas)
2:15 pm
Break 2:25 pm Reconvene and Report; Identify Next Steps
Jon Miller Steiger, Regional Director
51本色2:55 pm
Wrap-Up; Action Items; Closing Remarks
Jon Miller Steiger, Regional Director
51本色 - Mike Klinger