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Please note: HSR filings are exempt from public disclosure by the Clayton Act, Sec. 7A, 15 U.S.C. 18A(h). The Premerger Office and the Antitrust Division’s Premerger Unit cannot provide copies of a filing or provide any information as to whether or not a filing has been made.

The staff of the Premerger Office does not handle fraud reports. If you have a fraud report, please go to .

E-mail boxes are monitored every day during regular business hours. E-mail is the best way to contact the Premerger Office.

For General Information and Status of Filingpremerger@ftc.gov
For Questions Regarding the HSR Act and RulesHSRHelp@ftc.gov
Assistant Director 
Jones, Robert L.
Deputy Assistant Director 
Walsh, Kathryn E.
Administrative Staff
Kingsberry, Theresatkingsberry@ftc.gov
Satine, Laurielsatine@ftc.gov
Attorney Staff
Berg, Karen E.kberg@ftc.gov
Fetterman, Michellemfetterman@ftc.gov
Musick, Vesselinavmusick@ftc.gov
Shaffer, Kristinkshaffer@ftc.gov
Sheinberg, Samssheinberg@ftc.gov
Six, Anneasix@ftc.gov
Whitehead, Noranwhitehead@ftc.gov

Requests by filing parties for filing status and transaction numbers should be addressed to the email address premerger@ftc.gov. All HSR questions concerning the rules should be directed to the email address HSRHelp@ftc.gov.

The Premerger staff receives hundreds of inquiries each week, and thousands every year, asking for interpretations of the HSR statute and rules. Many of the questions can be answered by reference to the statute, rules and information contained on this web site. Given the high volume of inquiries, we recommend that you review these online materials before contacting the PNO. If you still have questions after reviewing these materials, we will be happy to answer questions.

Inquiries should be sent via email to HSRHelp@ftc.gov, preferably after the structure of the transaction is as close as possible to being finalized. When emailing, in order to serve you better, please outline facts and references, including the structure of the transaction and all relevant factors, and present your initial conclusions. Your cooperation is appreciated.